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Frequently Asked Questions

Fees and reimbursement

An osteopathic consultation generally lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour and costs 50€ (40€ for children and students).

Reimbursement varies according to the mutual insurance company, generally between 10 and 15€ per session, 5 to 10 times per year maximum.

  • Mutualité chrétienne: Reimbursement of 10€ per session (max 7 sessions/year).
  • Partenamut: Reimbursement of 10€ per session (max 6 sessions/year).
  • Solidaris : Reimbursement of 12,5€ per session (max 6 sessions/year).
  • Symbio : Reimbursement of 10€ per session (max 5 sessions/year).
  • DKV: Reimbursement of 80% of the service fee (unlimited/year).

What is the difference between physiotherapy and osteopathy?

  • The physiotherapist focuses on the traumatized area and uses exercises, stretching and sometimes massage to rehabilitate the patient, while the osteopath looks for joint areas that move less than others, as well as muscular and fascial tensions, and treats them mainly with passive techniques.
  • In physiotherapy, the diagnosis is made by the doctor and therefore a prescription is necessary to carry out the sessions, whereas in osteopathy, it is the osteopath himself who will examine the patient and make the diagnosis before starting the treatment.
  • Physiotherapy will be performed in several regular sessions whereas osteopathy could be performed in isolation.
  • Physiotherapy sessions usually last 30 minutes while osteopathy sessions last 45-50 minutes.

How does an osteopathy session take place?

An osteopathic medical consultation begins with an interview (anamnesis) to determine both the patient's medical history and the history of the current pathology. Gathering information about the patient's recent and past medical history is a crucial step in the diagnostic process.
This is followed by a thorough physical examination tailored to your complaint to determine the cause. Medical, neurological and orthopedic tests are performed. Once the origin of your problem is found, the appropriate osteopathic treatment begins.
At the end of the treatment, you will be given detailed information about the identified problems and their solutions. You will be given advice on how to improve the effects of the treatment.
If you have the results of additional examinations (X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, Scanner...), do not hesitate to bring them.

Do we need a prescription to consult an osteopath?

For an osteopathic consultation, you do not need a medical prescription. However, the mutual insurance company of the European Commission and the DKV require a medical prescription to reimburse the sessions.